Friendli Engine
The fastest LLM serving engine
on the market



Cost savings

up to

6× Fewer

GPUs required


up to

6× Higher



up to

4× Lower



Friendli Engine

Speed up the serving of LLMs,
thus slashing costs by

Friendli Engine is highly optimized to make LLM serving fast and cost-effective. With our performance testing showing that Friendli Engine is significantly faster than vLLM and TensorRT-LLM.

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Cost drop

Multi-LoRA serving on a single GPU

Friendli Engine simultaneously supports multiple LoRA models on fewer GPUs (even on just a single GPU!), a remarkable leap in making LLM customization more accessible and efficient.

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Deploy LLMs and more!

Friendli Engine supports a wide range of generative AI models, including quantized models and MoE.


GPT, Llama, Llama2 (including Alpaca, Vicuna, and more), Llama3, Code Llama, Mistral (including Zephyr), Mixtral, MPT, GPT-J, GPT-NeoX (including Pythia, Dolly, and more), Falcon, Bloom, OPT, BlenderBot, T5 (including T5 v1.1, FLAN, and more), Replit, Phi-2, Solar, Stable Diffusion, Qwen, Yi, StarCoder 2, Goliath, Grok-1, DBRX, Command R, etc.


Key Technology

Iteration batching
(aka continuous batching)

Iteration batching is a new batching technology we invented to handle concurrent generation requests very efficiently. Iteration batching can achieve up to tens of times higher throughput than conventional batching while satisfying the same latency requirement. Our technology is protected by our patents in the US and Korea.

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DNN library

Friendli DNN Library is the set of optimized GPU kernels carefully curated and designed specifically for generative AI. Our novel library allows Friendli Engine to support faster inference of various tensor shapes and datatypes, as well as support quantization, Mixture of experiences, LoRA adapters, and so on.


Friendli TCache

Friendli TCache intelligently identifies and stores frequently used computational results. The Friendli Engine leverages the cached results, significantly reducing the workload on the GPUs.

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mixtral 8x7B highlight

Running Quantized Mixtral 8x7B on a Single GPU

We quantized the Mixtral-7x8B-instruct v0.1 model with AWQ, and ran on a single NVIDIA A100 80GB GPU. Both the TTFT and TPOT outnumbers a baseline vLLM system. Friendli Engine achieves at least 4.1x faster response time and 3.8x ~ 23.8x higher token throughput.

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llama 2 70B highlight

Quantized Llama 2 70B on Single GPU

With Friendli Engine, running AWQ-ed models is seamless. For example, one can run AWQ-ed LLMs (e.g., Llama 2 70B 4-bit on a single A100 80 GB GPU) natively on Friendli Engine. Running LLMs with AWQ on Friendli Engine enables you to achieve efficient LLM deployment and remarkable efficiency gains without sacrificing accuracy.

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friendli tcache highlight

Even faster TTFT with Friendli TCache

Friendli TCache reuses recurring computations, optimizing TTFT (Time to First Token) by leveraging cached results. We show that our Engine delivers 11.3x to 23x faster TTFT compared to vLLM.

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Three ways to run generative AI models with Friendli Engine:


Friendli Container

Serve LLMs in your private environment

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Friendli Dedicated Endpoints

Build and serve custom LLMs on autopilot with Friendli Dedicated Endpoints

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Friendli Serverless Endpoints

Fast and affordable API for open-source LLMs and LMMs

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1. Testing conducted by FriendliAI in October 2023 using Llama-2-13B running on Friendli Engine. See the detailed results and methodologyhere.
2. Testing conducted by FriendliAI in October 2023 using Llama-2-13B running on Friendli Engine. See the detailed results and methodologyhere.
3. Testing conducted by FriendliAI in October 2023 using Llama-2-13B running on Friendli Engine. See the detailed results and methodologyhere.